April Fools' Tunes
To T.S. Eliot
"The Waste Land"
By Tatiana Pahlen

Why is April the cruelest month?
Words after speech reach
verbal discord;
Silence like a leech could itch,
swerving swords afterwards.
Lost your words? Sure, borrow mine,
all are fresh — planted last summer,
it gets a new growth – an inch
don't be foolish,
it doesn't have to be vintage like wine.
Why is April the cruelest month?
The winter fails to die;
Groundhogs are earnestly lying,
shedding their shadows off.
Shedding shadows?
"Was ist das?"
The lilac blossoms won't bloom,
but prevail on men's neckties.
Have you wasted your words again,
you mean, the loan I gave you?
Not again, don't tell me you gambled
the preserved, verbose sprouts away?
The crops stay frozen, April is cruel.

April 1, 2001

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